Report a Concern

Below are some of the most common concerns and reporting forms to share your concerns with the university. If unsure which form to complete, use the Here to Help form. We will review and route the report to the most appropriate individual or department.

If your concern needs immediate attention or is an emergency, DO NOT use the links below. CALL 9-1-1 or the University Police Department at 512-245-2805.

NOTE: All reports are taken seriously. Providing contact information will allow the appropriate office to reach out if additional information or clarification is needed. In some cases, due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Texas State University will not be able to disclose what action was taken.

Use this form to report any concerns or to seek support services for students who may be experiencing academic, personal, or transitional difficulties.

Learn more about Here to Help and the resources available to students, faculty, and staff by visiting

Use this form for general issues concerning a student's behavior as it relates to the Code of Student Conduct or a criminal offense.

Use this form to report alleged misconduct, including hazing, by student organizations.

“Title IX” refers to part of the federal Education Amendments Act of 1972 that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded educational programs or activities, which includes Texas State University. Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination. This referral form is for reporting violations of the sexual misconduct policy.

The Dean of Students Office provides an Ombudsperson to address concerns of currently enrolled Texas State students. This service personally assists students in achieving resolutions to university related challenges (i.e. university instructor/professor, employer challenges...etc.) in accordance with appropriate University Policies and Procedures Statements (UPPS). The Dean of Students Office also makes referrals to other campus departments or offices when necessary.

Use this form if the behavior of a student who appears potentially dangerous to the university community or could be disruptive to the academic mission of the university. UPPS 07.10.05

**For University Police Department (UPD) officers use only**
This form is for UPD officers to make Code of Student Conduct referrals to the Dean of Students Office.
NOTE TO ALL OTHERS: This form does NOT submit information to UPD.